Thanks for the thread!

Hi, I'm Lav! I love drawing dragons and other creatures. Right now my commissions are open, so be sure to check that out!

0 1

Thanks for the thread!

Hi, I'm Lav! I love drawing dragons and other creatures. Right now I'm taking commissions!

0 1

Thanks for the thread!

Hi, I'm Lav! I love to draw dragons and other creatures!

1 2

Thanks for the thread!

Hi, I'm Lav! I love to draw dragons and other creatures!

0 2

Hey, it's Lav!

I currently have 40 followers! I love drawing dragons and other creatures

0 2

Thanks for doing one of these threads!

Hey, it's Lav! I love to draw dragons and other creatures!

0 0

I'm late to this I know 😅

Hey, it's Lav! I love to draw dragons and other creatures.

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Hey again, it's Lav with Adobe Photoshop!

I use Photoshop for pretty much everything I do digitally, though that may end up changing because I want to test out other programs too 😆

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Hi I'm Lav, a wood & digital artist jumpstarting my own business. I LOVE purple, bunnies, and for my art to tickle people's cute bones! ^v^


11 26

So I heard it's day :)

Hey, it's Lav!

I'm a female artist who loves to draw dragons and other creatures! I've been working traditionally for 6+ years and have just started to get into digital art!

1 5

I love this idea!

Hey, it's Lav again!

I love drawing dragons and other creatures! I've been drawing traditionally for 6+ years and have just started to get into digital art

0 4

Once again, I am late to stuff like this lmao

Hey, it's Lav!

I'm an artist who loves to draw dragons and other creatures! I've been drawing traditionally for 6+ years and have only gotten into digital art recently

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Aaaaah!!! He so cute!!! I lav it! Thank you~♡

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I should probably include my other ones too

The light blue one is Seph, the black one next to Lav is Al, and the last one I don't have a name for yet (I created him like 2 days ago)

I have a ton of OCs from when I was a kid too, but it's too many to post here 😆

1 3

I don't know how late I am to this but I'm jumping on the train anyway!

This is Lav! I created them just because I was bored one day but now they have become the face of everything I do (at least on Twitter lol)

2 4

Hey, it's Lav!

I love drawing dragons and other creatures! I've only gotten into digital art recently but I'm hoping to get better at it as time goes on 😆

0 7

Hey, it's Lav!

I'm an artist that loves to draw dragons and other creatures and I've just started to get into digital art!

Right now I'm trying to raise money for a visit to the vet for my sick parakeet and I have some adopts available, so go check that out in my pinned tweet!

5 15

Hi, it's Lav!

I've done traditional art for about 6 years and am now getting into digital art! I draw mostly dragons and other creatures X3

I'm proudly asexual! All of you aces out there are 100% valid! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise

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I know this is late, but thanks for the opportunity!

My name is Lav and I'm an aro ace artist! I draw lots of dragons and other creatures! Right now I have 4 adopts available, and the funds are gonna go to the vet bill for my parakeet

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