Some people move on from the but not us, till the end

19 40

My submission for Fandome 😂😂😂 somehow I don’t think I’ll win.

0 7

Estimados amigos, estoy participando de la DC Fandome con algunas de mis ilustraciones. Me ayudarían mucho si le dan like!

Este es el link (pueden ingresar con Facebook):

Gracias y

83 460

Probably 1 of the coolest things to happen on our show was when the super talented revealed this incredible artwork of my co-host and I that he made while on our live show! So honored and humbled!

7 15

We trended stronger than DC FanDome without a planned event 😂👍

146 513

No, I was inspired by the idea of a cut face and embodied it in my picture with Jarelle Leto

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There's no event today but there is awareness that on 16th October we are bringing the armada ,we have been using the old ways and we will always use the old ways.


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