So I decided to do another picture after quite the break. It's Rumor from using her powers for some situations. Hands are something I gotta work on but it's all good. Probably gonna stop asking y'all for advice since nobody gives it.

0 3

there are lots of fish in business suits

5 7


1 3

Lucy as Vanya “The White Violin” Hargreeves for ’s Halloween costume contest!

0 1

*downs shot* another klaus


2 19

우당탕 패밀리☂️

106 159

붙여서 업로드 하고싶었다

91 234

시즌2 6화. 가족모임때 벤이 소환(?)되었다면에 if

40 81

파이부랑 미니파이부...슬픈 디에고

210 442