i’m tired of people coming into my mentions like “it’s just a name how is it whitewashing” like obviously this isn’t Only about being named Ian, dumbass. i’m talking about the whole concept

132 293

This tanned unwhitewashed butterfly tattoos taehyung yes please

6 16

why do ppl love whitewashing Anthy..... like. she IS brown there's no ambiguity or mistakes to be made what is you people's problem

140 534

Fair play for tackling smears, lies, evasions and dirty tricks. Judge Mitting's enquiry is turning out to be another whitewash.

25 29

broke, puny brain: snow rabbi is a whitewashed bunny mint so she's racist and inferior

woke, big brain: they are both valid as MANY yokai recolors exist (and they are also girlfriends)

galaxy brain: stop reaching for reasons to get mad about a kids game and go outside ya dorks

9 32

I keep on seeing the whitewashed bland as hell wanda maximoff wannabe on the tl so here's ur daily reminder that Wanda's Romani and not white and have some art I've done a little while ago ;)

17 31

Oon ilmeisesti whitewashannu mun grönlanti oc'n joka siis näyttää tältä päällisin puolin

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"I hope it makes a difference." Ed Skrein leaves reboot after whitewashing controversy https://t.co/aDkvCztRvJ

2 6

I'm hoping that he does NOT get any sequels for that mess

0 5

Since got whitewashed I thought I'd pay tribute to one of the OG characters, Rem 💜💛

2459 4558

Racist Asians glad did not have an Asian actress, after months bitching because the movie is bad. LOL! Assholes

0 0

I also have this gradual whitewashing of pepe the frog

8 10

More tumblar doods
I s2g if i could get a new scanner, the colors should've come out right
Phichit looks whitewashed Im SCREAMING

14 26

Apparently americans are unable to enjoy asian movies/shows without it being whitewashed. Always tryna steal Gong Yoo's spotlight... 🙄

10576 6637

Anna May Wong-“I left America bc I died so often. Pathetic dying seemed to be the best thing I did.”#whitewashedOUT

504 844

Whitewash, bluewash, pinkwash, redwash etc etc

5 10

Whitewashing、白人俳優が非白人キャラを演じる米映画業界用語📌🎬Ghost in the Shellで草薙素子役がスカJoでごまかしキャスト議論、再燃と英ガーディアン紙👀https://t.co/braa2dWAjK

18 5