Charcoal, 5 feet by 40 inches.
Might be finished, & I gotta do a little coughing.

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Today's March Madness was fun. I was given artistic freedom so I wanted to try a brushy look with a limited color pallet. It was tough to work on this as I got even more sick and kept coughing every 3 minutes >< Workflow was interrupted a lot but I am pleased with the results :D

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UPDATE: Thanks for the well wishes guys❤️I haven't been this sick in a long time and school feels 100% mandatory because of the exams this week, otherwise I'd stay home & quarantine myself.

Still sniffly & coughing, kept waking up with my sore throat BUT I WILL SURVIVE

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SICKNESS NEVER STOPS. I am absolutely & completely sick WITH SOMETHING ELSE. I'm coughing, sneezing, vomiting, & it hurts to breathe.

San Francisco and the Museum of Ice Cream was amazing yesterday though, and worth it >:3

Needless to say stream is cancelled today... Sorries😭

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Finishing a commission atm, but in between the meds and coughing fits I was overcome with a desire... to reimagine the ladies of Queen's Blade into....the men of King's Blade(?), my life's purpose.... :3c

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It's been a very cold week... during the week, I developed a cold that I still have. Coughing up mucus and snot, blowing large clear with a bit of green from my nose...

Not being able to work or help my family is boring and awful.

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Have a nice weekend!
I will spend my weekend on the sofa drinking tea 😷

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Haven't really super felt like art much recently. Maybe more random scribbles soon-ish though. I have one really neat messy pic that I've never quite captured the style again so I just want to work on grabbing that back maybe.

Also being sick is terrible. Coughing is pain

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Might need to apply the dim light layer on this one too with some lightshafts to add to the look and feel.

Coughing isn't as frequent now, but my chest still could use some decompression or something.

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amami haruka, hoshii miki, ibuki tsubasa
artist: rod
talking to herself and coughing. Of late she had begun to talk more than ever to her eldest girl, Polenka, a child of ten, who, though

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I'm going to be working on commissions! Please excuse my coughing. D:

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hello friends it's 4am but i'm coughing too much to fall back asleep so here's a quick doodle of deft;;;

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Drawing this while uncontrollably coughing was "fun", hope everyone is having a Happy Holiday and not a Sickmas like me. ❤️

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*Ahem* (coughing) I want kisses tooo i neeed attenntttionnnn to surviveeeee :>

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me, coughing glitter on the floor: I need healing

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Don’t stop believing

I’m still sick.. it’s good and bad. Bad because I’m coughing like crazy and I am completely drowsy , good because I can actually focus on JUST one thing which never happens usually.

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Week 2 theme of was coffins. made said i should make a koffing coughing coffins... i hate you so much right now.... with

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The fog is thick today. As you grope your way through the alleys and walkways of Town, you hear a low, coughing moan. The smell of mulch and bogflower reaches you and you freeze -- you know what made this mist.

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I dnt know if I love it ir hate it. 😆 coughing nonstop 😷

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