Halo, aku ruu 😎✨ utk kedepannya pengen improve semua hal gambar, krna aku masih perlu banyak latihan. Dan semoga gak insecure deh :')
Btw yg mau mutualan, kuy aja 😆🌼

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Halo, EFD di sini. Saat ini buka commission chibi - jika berminat bisa DM.

Terima kasih atas kesempatanny 💐💐💐

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Halo, aku Dee. Aku baru belajar digital art sekitar bulan juli dan ngejadiin gambar sebagai alasan tetap waras👍🏻 kedepannya aku mungkin bakal eksperimen lagi, jadi mohon bantuannya🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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I have a couple styles; Here they are

Of course, if someone’s paying a halo, I’m going to spend way more time on it, and I’m going to make sure it’s perfect; but here are just a few examples

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Halo, namaku Mayu. Senang berkenalan denganmu.


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“special friends”
day 18: halo, decided to do a edit with these two halo’s, mermaid 2020 and spring 2020, also tried out editing with lines again and this is pretty good in my view, anyways gn peeps.

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Goodboyhalo, but i got the design wrong
(im sorry ✨)
design by @/chicheesticks (is this how you dont really tag people cuz you don't want to bother ? iDk)

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Art! Halo, jadi aku lagi nyoba buat gambar member nct yg make a wish, aku mau drop disini. boleh bgt krisarnya dan kalau mau mutualan juga boleh.. terima kasih :))

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My artwork 😭 just name how kuxh you want for a halo, really want winter 18

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Spin The Wheel Giveaway! ✦

prizes in the photos below

・proof of items in thread

rules 🌱
・follow me ()
・retweet with tags, like
・tag a friend

extras in thread ✦

ends when i reach 850 - 900 🤍

kws: glimmering halo, og parasol, bat mo heels, goth sleeves

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Put reflections on a HALO, like this image (source: https://t.co/ngHmgRWaBN)

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Artist! Halo, ayo saling menginspirasi! Krn ak lgi artblock, jadi ak mau nyari insp ke klian! feel free utk crita semua pengalamanmu ttg menggmbar yg bsa membuatmu smpai ke titik ini! Misal km prnah dilarang buat nggambar, dll! Akn ad bbrp org yg diacak dn mendapatkan free art!

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Thank you ! Featuring Biologist Halo, definitely expect more of her in the future.

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Halo, aku lagi buka komisi illustrasi style anime jepang. Ini commission sheetku.

Kalau ada pertanyaan, DM aj langsung :)

Terimakasih banyak !!
[RTs are very appreciated !!]

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✨ Open Commission ✨

Halo, aku mochi. Aku lagi open komisi, style gambarnya terlampir di gambar dibawah ya. Selama bulan oktober ini harganya jadi :
2 karakter 75k
1 karakter 40k
Free gambar bunga/hiasan
Kalau tertarik bisa dm aku ya. Terimakasih. Bantu share ya teman2

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I commissioned a friend to do art of my DnD character and oh my God, they delivered big time.

We knew we wanted her to have a halo, but didnt want to go with a typical gold ring. Instead we went with a 22° halo and I'm just floored.

I'm so proud of them.

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Hi there!! People call me Halo, I'm a huge fan of Apex and Halo (believe it or not)

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Karyaku! Halo, mau minta saran kira2 warnanya cocok gk? Oh ya sama kucingnya kegemukan gk sih 😅?

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