Get hyped! is hosting a special Wits & Wagers event at this year! We're very excited and hope you are too!

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Got to briefly meet at geeked out a bit not bad for my second con tabling next con

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Full body cell-shaded commission for SimpleCollection @ FA in exchange for game on Steam! ♥

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Messing around with linework and I actually got something that I like.

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Thrown Away World Sketch: Planting an Applecore with Vong the Forest Giant.

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「メイプルカラーズHHH」がマスターアップ!! 限定版は過去作の「MepleColors」&「MapleColors2」のゲームが同梱される超豪華セット!ニュー速VIPブログ

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And here is a purple cow I painted, just because...

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