
6 10

Martin Landau ~ Space: 1999

0 1

the M81 group seen through the Integrated Flux
https://t.co/stzeT3FTR5 via

39 36

beautiful gully in a clay-bearing on the Northern Plains of Yes, Mars!
https://t.co/18Uy0ljCBr via

28 26

adventures in the musical equivalent to the curvature of spacetime
https://t.co/w9UyD4V28c |

27 31

getting a sense of the
Watch it move (and take control) here ► https://t.co/OyL4Z3I4Mv by Jeroen Gommers

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interstellar dust & gas in NGC 1788 & the Witch's Whiskers
https://t.co/0CMA7gaFuL via

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runaway star Zeta Ophiuchi produces an arcing interstellar bow wave (#infrared) -
https://t.co/HkRc0iOljM via

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could be discovered within the next decade, says astronomer
https://t.co/mLg09B3EdV via

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vivid green dances above Lyngenfjord,
https://t.co/nkC1NpLLCR by Jan R. Olsen

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Stickney Crater, the largest on the martian moon
https://t.co/K5Ytzd7vVa via

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new nypothesis states may lurk in the "#nothingness of space"
https://t.co/EuYFzWD40h via

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NEW POST ON CLUB PENGUIN SPACE: Blasting Off To New Adventures https://t.co/zQk1LoZ71p

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astronomers will piece together 1st image of
https://t.co/FteC49GxIk via

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the Iris Nebula, a bright reflection lit by a variable star
https://t.co/LYXrL5XewP via

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I never get tired of those shots of the awesome
https://t.co/bMR8ZKxjkR via

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