Some Heroes of the Storm humor)

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내글 다시보고있는데 이거 삭제됐나 여튼 Reupload

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I finished this Jaina drawing I was working on the other day!

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리밍소냐 개좋다진짴ㅋ으아아앜ㅋㅋㅋ

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«There is only room for one corrupted king around here.»

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히오스..하지말자......12일까지만.. 그림그리자...

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A gingerbread Nazeebo, to wish you all a Merry Christmas.

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히오스 리밍 넘모 기엽..
이거 만화 생각보다 히갤 이런곳에서 반응 좋아서 넘나 좋았던것. 인벤에 가입하면 올려야지 퓨퓨

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Li-ming Sonya is my favorite character
엉엉 ㅜㅜㅠ

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진짜 히오스 네팔렘들 넘 이뻐.. ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅠ
특히 리밍 소냐가 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 마지막은 복장 바꾼 것

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울 이쁜이들.
소냐는 안그렸지만..ㅜㅜ

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아 블리자드 겜중에서 히오스만 파는사람 없나..
이럴려구 트위터 계정 만들었나 자괴감들고 괴로워

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Yaaaay got my logo! Its so shiny and cool! I'm so happy!

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Going live now! Checking out the new hero Ragnaros in afterward! Come say hi!

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