【天文部からのおしらせ】C89新刊『WinterTriangle』は 有志によるお題:冬 の放課後のプレアデス本で、 表紙はこんな感じです。〆切は12/23、クリスマスは徹夜明けかも知れないけど穏やかに過ごすぞ絶対にだ

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Thx for the awesome Mentions Happy Wednesday Charles James Adams - Wintertime- Cattle...

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Tonight! Luli Bunny´s Wintertime Squirrel at the Showcase 100 exhibition

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Luli Bunny´s Wintertime Squirrel at the Showcase 100 exhibition

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Get Your Mind Off Wintertime - Sunset Sunday 11 January - variations on gloomy and cold -

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A Treasury of Wintertime Tales: Vintage stories of winter from around world via http://t.co/6nj3MJMTfu

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New artwork for sale! - "Wintertime at the Dansbury Depot" - http://t.co/Dj4HP5Lu50

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Finished! Main lady from the Once Upon a Wintertime short for

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To Live & Breathe & See the Sun in Wintertime - sunset tonight + very slight misquote, hence very slight apology

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Wintertime Squirrel ♥ Working on many things at the moment, this is one. ^_^

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