i’ll post it here too i suppose

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Tried my hand at the Art Style Bend Challenge™ and I really dig how it turned out!

1 2

My art was described as “curvy” and “marshmallowy” so you just know we had to go “jagged” and “eye-bleeding” this time around.

20 93

challenge done! Very interesting to see what my art would look like mirrored.

(RTs/comments very appreciated!!)

5 14

This was fun but also a headache... I never thought I would miss my lineart so much
I hope you like it 😬🙈😖
Removing fantasy character I decided to draw Angelica and Eliza Schuyler because I’m very obsessed with Hamilton

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Heyo hehe

This is Baileys~ a character from a visual novel I’m working on for a school project🥴

I saw this trend on Instagram even tho I know it started on twt and juz wanted to join~

8 68

Did some drawing to keep my mind busy and tried the thing

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challenge!! This was pretty fun to do! (And also pretty hard TvT)

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Working on my 'before' image for the artstylebend challenge (already did the after part) - here's a WIP :33

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An ordeal of a challenge, but a fun one to try! ( I Really tried LOL... )

14 69

Banned🚫: pastels, round shapes, :3 , sprinkles, textured lineart

1 17

Ok this is for that but it doesn’t even look that much different from my regular stuff LOL help

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YO is an art challenge where you ban some common things in your art style,


4 18

YIKEs,,, i had no idea what iwas doing ajskldjkle,,, not adding highlights or making it SHINY hurt me

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Hmmm, can you help me with a comment? :0

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