Soon Tortoise will have to go back to school. But he is worried!

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Shop my Little seahorse etc for from my shop! Link to order 👉🏼

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Getting ready to move to New York City. Just 4 more weeks!

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It's back to school time and there will be plenty of tears!

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For all the little fishes going have a fin-tastic year! Dr Suzie Starfish (me) looks forward to sea-ing you in class

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A volta às aulas está chegando para todos, não é mesmo? HAHAH

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first DAY blues...#backtoschool

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could this be the general scenario?.... mhhhhh cartoon for

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"Autumn, the year's last loveliest smile" William Cullen Bryant

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New AU is out! Do you like the updated costumes so far?

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Il nuovo anno scolastico è cominciato: raccontateci com'è iniziata vostra

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Kickstart your kid's first weeks with this fun DVD/Book! -

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