The oldest OC that I can remember making was an elven princess named Jasmine Amethyst, who came from a fantasy-styled isekai story. As you can see, I was VERY fond of purple.


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Today’s drawing was inspired by the prompt for Day 5 - Shed & Molt. Longing for the chance to become something new.

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Day 5 - Old OC. My boy Hecktor!! He started out so grumpy and serious but he is a total sweet dork now

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Day 5 - Old

The first character I ever created/my first ever fursona, Glarua! Her first design used to be a mix of two characters I saw in a speedpaint video with colors from pokemon. I was 9 or 10 when I created her.

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Day 4 - Pets

The second DND character I ever created. Felina used to be a simple household cat but she was magically brought into sentience from unknown magic. She is searching for her lost master and to keep her company is her pet mouse: Cheese.

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Day 3 - Love

These two lovebirds are Walter and Isralda. They are both from a webcomic I'm planning on starting soon. They are minor characters but I love them!

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Day 2 - Family

Alyssa and Rayan are both based on the same design of a failed character sale. Ended up rebooting the design into one of my stories.

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Day 1 - New

My newest non-fandom OC, my new fursona in one of her urban outfit! I really love her design!

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day 5 prompt for featuring Jay who is technically not the oldest OC i have but she's the oldest one that matters!!!

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|Oc-Tober| Numero 5: "Idoso"
Esse foi feito as pressas, mas ta ai o nosso senhor cabra, ele apareceu recentemente no capitulo 2 da minha história lá no Wattpad, link a 👇👇👇

❤️+🔁 ajuda d+

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[ / ] day 6: palette

My OCS, Flare and Harrier, half nightwing and half skywing siblings! Flare has Nightwing powers but Harrier does not 🐉

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prompt 5: Old

Luna is one of my oldest characters! She was my very first character on World of Warcraft back when it first launched. She's found her way back to my canvas consistently for about 15 years, and probably will for quite a few more.

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day 5 - old; old ass soul eater oc from god knows when that i still remember how she looks BYE

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4. Pets
It was kinda weird to draw Rozoar’s original design because I mostly draw his catboy version, but still I enjoy it~
So here's Roz with his little pet dragon Blueberry and two unnamed fishes~

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Day 5 - Old
Silkie the fluffy dragon is one of my oldest characters. I haven’t drawn him and his chicken friends in forever,,

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October 5th: Old

This was my first fursona, Peppermint!
(Can you guess what year it was when I made her?? LOL)

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Day 5 - Old
(draw your oldest OC or one you haven’t drawn in while)

This guy is both I’m sorry Dusk asfsffsd

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