
2 days to the Valentine's Day

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3 days to the Valentine's Day

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The characters also use emoticons in the chat room along with text.

The emoticons are based on the characters’ theme, such as “Cute," “Sloppy” and “Funny.”

If emoticons are popular after the game is released, they “MAY BE” sold at the emoticon shop.

2/11 Feedback

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4 days to the Valentine's Day

0 9


5 days to the Valentine's Day

0 10


6 days to the Valentine's Day

0 9

020820: 58th Artwork Presents Clara del Samson 😊
Happy Weekend Everyone!

All Credits to our beloved Author ✨ ~Happy SAKturDAY Sensei ^^
(Created by me ILoveU-ri✍️)

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วาดแก้บนตามรีเควส ของคุณ@/loveulucas007_ ค่ะ😊💕

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020120: 57th Artwork
Presents "Elle" in Short Hair 😊
~fellow keepers Happy SAKturDAY Again ^^

All Credits to our Beloved Author ✨ ~Happy Weekend sensei ^^
(~ILoveU-ri✍️ Fan Art!)

0 4

013120 S2 Presents Queen "Vel" as Math Teacher (College AU) Okay folks, this is not your typical Math Equation 😂 Esp. If your Professor is Queen Vel 😎

TGIF Sensei ^^
(~ILoveU-ri✍️ Fan Art!)

1 11

Myoui Mina in Her Finest 😊
I'm so glad seeing Mina looking so fine ^^ I hope she have a good vacation 😊
Minari Saranghae 💘

(~ILoveU-ri✍️ Fan Art!)

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This one is my unreleased art but here

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After the imprint, the main characters, who are burn hot all over, visit you every night with their bodies are filled with acme.

If Hi falls in love with you in his way…!?

And here is the night CG of Hi.

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텀블벅 D-4!

각인이 생긴 후 매일 몸에 차오르는 아크메(정기)로
온몸이 뜨겁게 달아오른 남주들은 매일 밤 당신을 찾아갑니다.

하이의 방식으로 당신을 사랑하게 된다면..!?

하이의 밤 CG를 공개합니다.

*텀블벅 주소: https://t.co/zbvXQScfFI

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Unholyc absorbs Acme from the opponent with undeniable charm,

but you will be injected with Acme every night.

And here is the night CG of Leo, full of lust.

1 28

[RTPlz] 텀블벅 후원자 300명 돌파 기념 나혼자 기뻐서 여는 RT 이벤트💕
출시 전인데도 벌써 이렇게나 사랑 받고 일 잘하는(!) 프리티비지의 러브언홀릭 여성향모바일게임 홍보 겸 자랑 목적입니다:)
해당 글 [리트윗 or 마음]해주신 한 분 추첨하여 기프티콘 쏴드려요😊

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011820: 55th Artwork
Clara & Elle "Clarelle" 😊 Clarelle is ready for some action 😂

~Happy weekend again Everyone ^^

All Credits to our Beloved Author ✨ Happy SAKturDAY sensei ^^
(~ILoveU-ri✍️ Fan Art!)

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011120: 54th Artwork
Clara & Elle "Clarelle" 😊
Happy weekend Everyone Enjoy the Rest of your weekend 😄
~Happy SAKturDAY sensei ^^
(~ILoveU-ri✍️ Fan Art!)

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