Lusamine (Pokémon) has some crazy hair! Difficult not to love her design anyways <3

6 35

Que me pellizquen si estas tres locas no están emparentadas....

3 6

Some Pokemon doodles. Wanna Draw Gladion and Lusmine to match the Lillie and Lusamine one. Also, giving Lusamine twintails makes 100x cuter.

51 212

Late Night Lusamine scribbles. I told You I was on the cat undies, kick.

23 158

Some Lusamine doodles. In Lillies outfit. (coulda fooled me)

17 122


4 27

Lusamine [Pokemon: Sun / Moon]

89 293

Lusamine fanart! This is the raffle price for .
Hope you like it!

14 19

some sketch that ended up turning into a lusamine

0 6

This was meant to be a paint test and then I got carried away....and its not print size

67 185

I really love lusamine's design!!

206 356