Aujourd'hui débute le 20ème salon Culture et Jeux . Venez donc nombreux jusqu'à dimanche place Saint-Sulpice à Paris pour y rencontrer les exposants et assister à de nombreuses conférences.

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Morley's Theorem - Dynamic & modifiable illustrator w/o words: How to prove? 🤔

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[À La Une] Les maths, ça sert à rien ... sauf à décoder l’ADN !

Un nouveau thème est abordé sur le site d’activités mathématiques pour tous du Laboratoire de mathématiques Raphaël Salem (, Université de Rouen Normandie).

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[À La Une] Le 20ème salon Culture et se tiendra du 23 au 26 mai, place Saint Sulpice à Paris.
Le thème est en lien avec la "Jouons ensemble aux mathématiques".

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The very best of luck to students sitting exams today in Core Maths, AS English Language, Maths and Health & Social Care.

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More REGULAR NONAGON wonders (inspired by ). What is the measure of the PINK ANGLE here? For a surprise-cameo-appearance-hint, see

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trying to figure out how my tax and superannuation works but i dropped maths in highschool and did art instead

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May The 4th Be With You!

is the illustrator behind The Mechanics of Mechanicsville, Monsters in My Maths Book and Poppy's Planet.

He also writes illustrates a comic for Star Wars Insider, which writes too!

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Sum of Measures of a Polygon's Exterior Angles: Alternate modifiable & dynamic illustrators. Explore here:

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Maths Workshops for Summer Term - including our new workshop Riddle of the Sphinx!

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Equilateral Triangle to 30-60-90 Triangle (w/o words). resource includes key guiding Qs for Ss:

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Which definition of vector do you prefer?

Like for maths and physics.
Retweet for Starlight Glimmer.

Trying to prove a point.

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Similarity in Right Triangles: Exploration & Discovery w/Key Qs for Ss: What relationships are shown here? (T/Y to for her suggestions to improve

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Polygon Angle Theorems: N = 3 (triangle) through N = 8 (octagon). Dynamic & modifiable illustrators (w/o words): (BGM: ).

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Happy Birthday, , April 25. Author of the MATHSTART books and I SEE I LEARN books. (aff:

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This is interesting: Guide to maths for scientists
Maybe read alongside this:
The Language of Mathematics in Science from

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Got bored in maths. Drew a stinky wizard man.

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