Metroid Dread Samus Fanart i just finished up! Got the game on pre-order as well! Can't wait to play it!

247 1058

Lillith is under the weather tonight so I will instead be playing our mystery game, one of the Super Metroid greatest hacks of all time, METROID SUPER ZEROMISSION!

14 114

If you're wondering what my art looks like when you remove the lineart, here you go. piece is done, posting it on Thursday

0 2

D-3 until !

Do you think we will get brand new Chozo Memories?

18 135

I'm not looking forward to shading that gun...

0 5

Samus don’t joke around.

4 days until

122 533

Salut. Cette semaine sort enfin C'est incroyable.

Malheureusement, les spoils vont également commencer à pleuvoir et je disparais donc de Twitter pendant quelques jours histoire d'en être préservé.

On se revoit la semaine prochaine, des étoiles plein les yeux. 🧡

5 45

Samus os necesita para sobrevivir en el planeta ZDR, ¡pero no será fácil! Alienígenas y seres mecánicos aterradores amenazan por doquier, ¿estáis preparad? Pues reservad y llevaos un SET DE PEGATINAS EXCLUSIVAS...

...a un CLIC:

1 2

Samus: Dread Suit, Helmet

What’s your favorite part of her new suit? I love the visor shape, the organic looking straps, and new color scheme 🤍

298 1619

Special gift for the awesome ! :3 c

3 15

C̷o̴r̸r̸u̶p̵t̵i̷o̶n̴ ̷d̷e̴t̵e̷c̴t̷e̸d̶... Phazon levels rising!
5 days to

130 543

"Learning to be Spider-Man" meme, Samus-style by Munch K

328 1503

well here the second day of the month of inktober, this time is one of my favorite games

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