after Mamoru rejects Fisheye instead of mocking Fisheye for being rejected, Usagi seeing him depressed tries to encourage him, and brings him to her house to talk, she's such an amazing character and Fisheye seeing her good nature getss a change of heart I love that

1 3

An irrelevant warmup practice form a week ago.


183 992

Just finished reading To Kill A Mockingbird...

0 4

كُلُّهُمْ مَـرُّوا بجَانبي، إلا أَنتَ.. عَبرت مِنْ خِلَالِي.

All of them passed by, but you.. crossed through me.

Artwork by: Ahmed Emad Eldin

Mockingbird ♬ on Instagram and Twitter:

45 242

Fusion of my Gemsona Copper🧡 and Pearl🤍 :


Combining Pearl's arrogance and intelligence with Copper's sarcasm and snarkiness, Amber is a judgmental, cunning and mocking bitch.

0 1

كُل الفاظ الوداع مُرة، و الموت مُر، و كُل شيء يسرق الإنسان من الإنسان مُر.

- عمرو مرزوق
Artwork by: Pascal Campion

Mockingbird ♬ on Instagram and Twitter:

65 259

My Gemsona Copper and Lapis fusion : Azurite💙🧡

Combining Copper's snarky and mocking nature with Lapis Lazuli's relaxed and laid-back attitude, Azurite is a careless free spirit who loves to pull pranks.

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أنا من باع حياته ليشتري عينين وفيتين
أتعبني ما عرفتُ مقدماً
وجسدي لم يعد يتبعني.

- سركون بولص، مقتطف
Artwork by: Зелёная лампочка

Mockingbird ♬ on Instagram and Twitter:

5 85

It's not uncommon for me to either trip over my words, forget a word, or mess words up. Even when I'm relaxed and happy this still happens. It can be really frustrating, and embarrassing, but definitely more so when someone reacts angrily, or mockingly.

6 20

اللحظة دي محتاجة حضن
محتاجة حزن
محتاجة حبة طبطبة
اللحظة دي مُتعبة!

- منتصر حجازي
Artwork by: Yaoyao Ma Van As

Mockingbird ♬ on Instagram and Twitter:

14 98

وأنت الذي جئت جميلًا .. كأنك رسالة اعتذار من الحياة.

- أدهم الشرقاوي
Artwork by: Ari Attic

Mockingbird ♬ on Instagram and Twitter:

27 202

أعطِ من تُحِبّ جَناحين كي يطير حُرّاً..
وجذوراً كي يبقى..
وأسباباً كي يعود.

- دالاي لاما
Artwork by: Sandra Cumplido

Mockingbird ♬ on Instagram and Twitter:

40 301

*in villanelle's mocking voice* tALLuLaH sHaRk (1/2)

158 840

قبل الرحيل اتفقنا اتفاقا أخيرا لا يُنسى ..
اتفقنا أن ننسى اتفاقنا الأول بأن لا ننسى.

- زياد حرحش
Artwork by: Brian Rea

Mockingbird ♬ on Instagram and Twitter:

26 184

[ Fran looks at him this time, beaming instead of mocking. she just seems pretty happy to do this, and does her best to be as encouraging as possible.
...whether she's aware that would make him more nervous, is not clear. she smiles anyway, it's what a wife would do! ]

0 0

إنما المرء بقلبه.

Artwork by: Shaikha Alsubaey

Mockingbird ♬ on Instagram and Twitter:

138 522

يملك من الفصاحة ما يثير إعجابي..
عندما سألته: كيف حالك؟
قال: أتعافى بقدر إقبالكِ عليّ.

- لقائلها
Artwork by: Irina Lisichkina

Mockingbird ♬ on Instagram and Twitter:

66 309

ينعكس قلبُ المرءِ على وجهه، وإنما تُظهر الروح كل عظمتها في الملمات الكبرى، وترتفع بقدر صفائها وشفافيتها وقدرتها على التحليق.

- اقتباسات متداخلة
Artwork by: محمد عبد الحفيظ

Mockingbird ♬ on Instagram and Twitter:

41 218

I legit had a dream about spending all my hardwork star gems on a gacha that I always wanted A-Team to finally add in the game and not getting this stage girl in the end, then my uncle whom I've never seen for years started mocking me about me crying to it...

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