I just got the news now, but be strong and get better soon big man, we love you!

37 385

That's enough internet for the day. I'll now proceed to bury myself in school work to take my mind away from the stuff that went down

58 729

Get well soon!!!

13 94

Hope techno gets better soon!!

3 32

Not even close baby!!!
Just like you guys know TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES.
❤️#TechnoSupport ❤️

16 225

Technoblade never dies! We love you Techno! <3

2 4

Get well soon Sir Blade!!

0 13

a small offering of comfort for technotwt! get well soon techno!

44 526

hope you get well soon and stab that cancer!

464 5228

Get well soon techno, you're going to beat the hell out of cancer

0 9

A brave lil piggy named Technoblade

0 4

He'll get well soon guys, don't worry.

18 210

you got this, bossman!!
get well soon!! 💖💖💖

3 17

Hoping for your fast recovery, Techno. Cancer sucks and I almost got it this year (but I still have the symptoms and I am still trying my best to prevent it). Get well soon man! :]

0 3