Check out this book: "318 Color Paintings of Kazimir Malevich -…" by Jacek Michalak,…

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Malevia Seurvont: half duskwight, half midlander. "The Bone Warden"

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There he is.
Michail Gid'on - The Golden Wolf. Hero of Ociramos and Dalevia. Dragon killer
et cetera et cetera. You're a bad man. Iloveyou

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Kasimir Malevich
Self-Portrait circa 1908-1909

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Russian painter Kazimir Malevich who founded the Suprematist movement was born on this date in 1878. This is "Winter Landscape."

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I love that the house of art is broad enough to contain Malevitch's "Black Square", 1915 & Rousseau's "Three Apes" painted 5 years earlier

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More Malevich art to understand better: you like it or not. Your own opinion important for YOU, be YOURSELF!

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Si vous pouviez poser une question aux monochromes de Klein, Malevich et Soulages, ce serait quoi ? cc

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The knifegrinder, 1912

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Kasimir est mort le 15 mai 1935 à Léningrad à l'âge de 57 ans.

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Reuven Halevi - Rome | LensCulture

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