Filmer en temps réel l'acquisition de la résistance d'une bactérie (Escherichia) à un antibiotique permet d'en comprendre le mécanisme un pas vers une thérapie combinatoire antibiotique et molécule inhibitrice.

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Antibiotic treatment alleviates Alzheimer's disease symptoms in male mice Open access J. Exp. Med. paper, co-senior authored by

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‘Leisure, Antibes.’ by Borja Bonaque

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Former SeaWorld, California and Marineland, Antibes orca trainer John Hargrove is spearheading a campaign with DFE member One Voice, for the whale known as Inouk at Marineland. This is what he has to say about the situation

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morgen ist gratis comic tag wer freut sich noch so sehr wie ich x3? Muss zwar noch Antibiotika schlucken aber an sich gehts mir wieder fantastisch, mein Rachen scheint sich endlich nach Wochen erholt zu habenxD

Here is the thx illustration I made for oli ^^#webcomic

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Después mucho tiempo, hoy les presento a GrandGeneramon X: si siendo normal, era un monstruo muy poderoso y temible ¿Cómo creen que sería si le ponemos el X Antibody? Aquí está mi idea. Espero que les guste

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Vote for your favorite video on the Mechanisms of Bacterial Resistance to Aminoglycoside before May 7

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Art of Galyna Moskvitina will be shown at the International Contemporary Art Cannes Biennale from 17th to 19th May 2019 in Cannes Palace.
more info:

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Artist FANT Wenger from Switzerland was selected for Contemporary Art Cannes Biennale. Visit Cannes Palace from 17th to 19th May 2019. More Info:

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I beg all you fantastic Pub Patrons forgiveness for not streaming for you. Antibiotics always wipe me out. 6 more days taking them. Sadly I am going to miss this week streaming as well.

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Alright let me start this off by saying, THE PERSON WHO MADE THIS OUTFIT, IT'S NOT UGLY!!

Secondly, it is NOT okay to bully others because it pushes certain people to self harm and even death!

"Why Me?"

Made By: Ish_Cerise__X_X

Made With: Panit 3D

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MarineAngemon X-Antibody
Regulumon X-Antibody,

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tell me my antibiotic resistant children look just like me :)

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Imperialdramon PM-Xantibody terminado
Espero les guste
Aun me falta inventarle un poco el lore pero ando en proceso de hacerlo

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Update on arm. Went to urgent care yesterday (got a shot in my butt) and they got me some antibiotics and ointment for the wounds. I’m able to move my index a little bit more. Try me, that darkness on my hand is really dark irl

Still can’t open a door XD

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Para el de hoy, decidí dibujar a Pumpkinmon X.

El X-Antibody deformó su físico, quitándole su apariencia infantil.
El hacha se hace parte de su cabeza, de sus manos salen raíces de la calabaza y de su brazo izquierdo sale un filo similar al hacha.

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A force d'utiliser des antibiotiques en élevage et en pisciculture, de nouvelles bactéries résistantes apparaissent, contre lesquelles il n'y a aucun traitement efficace.
▶️Documentaire "Antibiotiques, la fin du miracle ?"

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