[He doesn't understand the tiny devil's intention, but he is still amazed!! He giggles a little more, his laugh getting louder.]

Hhehehe! Mister debil looks stwong! [He does, a highfive? Yeah. He did a highfive with the tiny devil.]

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[The feathers on his head sways a little when he giggles. Now he is brave enough to walk closer! He sits near the 'tiny devil' and poke his horn and—]

Aw! [It's kind of hot... But his finger is fine. He laughs from the sensation.] Hehe, maybe because debil love fire..

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[He keeps his distance from the tiny kid with horn. The horn is scary but..... It's kind of cool though.]

A tiny debil....

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En alguna ocasión Linlin entró en shock y su cuerpo de acero de repente comenzó a sangrar.
Kaido estaba muy confiado de detener el ataque de los vainas, pero cuando recordó a Oden su cara cambió por completo... el dragón se hizo vulnerable?
Ambos dudaron y se debilitaron.

13 90

Dagsy Rip...H/H/T/T warlock human bonded to a Lurker of the Deep with a very dark past that is both motivating and debilitating. their sawfish sword is their bond and the anchor rod is their focus, both with opals.

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We had a angle. Now we have a debil

2 9

We love art! So many talented people in our community! This is giving us some witchy vibes shared by Debbie Debil! Gouache on water a3 color paper

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os presento a katrikki, dragonborn monje que tiene como virtud su buena voluntad y como debilidad las chicas.

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çizimlerime destek olmak için takip edebilirsiniz ;

instagram: .psd


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Mi única debilidad es dibujar furrys, son mi kryptonita xd
Necesito un maestro en furry

1 14

persona mayb? Idk but he be debil and I love his outfit

4 9

I can be your debil or your angle
Request for Badliar

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No te culpo, yo también tengo una debilidad, ojos verdes, rojos, amarillos o purpura

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Practicando torsos masculinos con el profe de la pose es bastante tipica pero bueeeh ~ una vez mas mi debilidad por los lentes me toco ah-

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37. One Piece: Saga Gyojin / 2011-2012

Me ha gustado, creo que la trama podría haber estado mejor, pero aún así la he disfrutado. Los humanos medio pez son mi debilidad.

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La única debilidad de Seok es :( ❤️

Un claro ejemplo de seok con shirl

meperdonas mi rey

Me gusta mucho dibujar a shirl losiento

(Por si no lo saben Seok es mi o'c mafioso y alto de cojones)

3 10

Strawberry cow 💕🍓🌹

Losiento soy muy debil a los bebes vacas

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