画質 高画質

The introduction of the Dark Triad was so cool. Tabata giving Asta, Yuno, and Noelle a main adversary to facilitate their character development was really enjoyable.

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“Welcome to Lab 743’s Whitecastle facility. I’m Doctor 743, but you can call me Jeremy…”

1 18

esse é facil pra caralho

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In April we helped facilitate the 3rd Asian Elephant Range States Meeting in Nepal of govt delegates from all 13 Asian elephant range countries. One of the primary outcomes of the Meeting is the “Kathmandu Declaration for Asian Elephant Conservation” https://t.co/6CJTVGIYV6

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pourquoi ne PAS date un ESFP ?

- matérialistes
- susceptibles et boudeurs facilement
- ont du mal à régler les conflits
- ne prêtent pas attention à leurs propres besoins
- se surmènent beaucoup
- se lassent très facilement de la routine
- ont besoin de bcp sortir

3 17

Seria facilmente treinadora do tipo Psíquico em Pokemon, o Pokémon dela seria um Munna

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Bitch lorne, with mistress Emma
Scientist Christopher cannon, he just wanted to test it, but unfortunately lorne and Emma's test tube baby,(look at his test tube) experiment went horribly wrong, and he broke out of a government facility leading to raxx

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5 frames—>15 to facilitate secondary stripe-age
disturbance in the first field gif

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ahora que termine sonic cd puedo concluir que esta decente,es visualmente hermoso en muchas zonas y collison chaos fue mi zona favorita del juego pero tiene cosas negativas como los facil boss del doctor robotnitk y que metallic madness me pareció una zona frustrante:

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Jun 25, 2015. By: Leonny76
[6 Yeahs!] [2 replies] (EU)
"rattrapage ^^ un peu facile j'avoue ^^"

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pourquoi ne PAS date un ENFJ ?

- étouffants et surprotecteurs
- contrôlants et manipulateurs
- critiquent très facilement
- évitent le conflit même quand c'est nécessaire
- inflexibles sur certains domaines
- mauvaise évaluation du "bien" et du "mal"

14 64

Como son peces minimamente reales aqui ya no se decir cual es xD
Voy a apostar por las anchoas porque son lo mas facil y abundante.

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Canned hunting or trophy hunting facilities offer their customers the opportunity to kill exotic and native wild animals.
is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they are in the game

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Tu peux piocher dans n'importe lesquels des miens dans mon toyhouse ici: https://t.co/TCnqknWVCB

et si tu n'a pas accès à toyhouse je te laisse quelques refs ici pour que ce soit plus facile à trouver
bon voyage!

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Ay hijo de su puta madre-

En mi vida nunca vuelvo a intentar un estilo sin lineart así AAAAAAAAAAHHH

Era más facil en la escala de grises a los que no le se poner color U,vU

En fin...aquí está,quedó algo culero y no sabia que poner de fondo,pero espero que te guste aún así quq https://t.co/4YYeleNBZv

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Quiero comisionar Personita nuevas!!

Obviamente con su respectivo opiñon me podrían facilidad personitas :3

Si pueden etiqueten para poder ver su trabajo❤️

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X-23 is on a hotstreak right now. She's killed her abusers from the Facility, is the active Wolverine for the X-Men, and is in a pretty good spot right now. Her next romp is the upcoming X-Terminators mini.

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Colored some more concept arts of OC's of mine. (Not that most people are interested -w-)
Series Title: "In Ten Days I will Die"
Characters are the protagonist, Patient 7 and the Manager of the Facility, the Supervisor. Enjoy these concept designs~

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Dos animes q vi no lançamento na temporada o melhor geral foi Spy x Family, MobSeka facil o melhor isekai mesmo fechando com o horrendo vol2 da LN a temporada, Shield Hero como era esperado um fiasco adaptando os piores arcos da LN

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