Aimono Juushi – Slytherin
Topi Seleksi melihat keberanian dan tekad pantang menyerah Gryffindor, juga bakat sihir dan kecintaan pada diri sendiri yang merupakan trait Slytherin dalam dirinya, tapi dia memilih Slytherin demi ruang rekreasi di bawah tanah yang gelap dan misterius.

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Yamada Jirou – Gryffindor
Pemberani seperti abangnya, ditambah sifat setia kawannya dan kecenderungannya untuk maju dulu baru berpikir.
Karir impian: Atlit Quidditch. Ahli teknik Sloth Grip Roll.
Mungkin juga menjadi wasit Quidditch internasional kalau sudah pensiun.

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Yamada Ichirou – Gryffindor
Ichirou sejak kecil dengan berani mengambil posisi sebagai tameng yang melindungi adik-adiknya. Dia juga memiliki kharisma pemimpin dan berdarah panas. Aku membayangkannya membuka toko mantra dan peralatan sihir di Diagon Alley. Jago Duel Sihir.

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I love when friends suggest adorable content 💖🦁💖

(personally I'm a Hufflepuff 🦡)

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Kkura said she is Gryffindor and Chaeyeon is Ravenclaw in harry Potter. I drew a short story of Chaekura on this topic (´∀`)

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I'm done with all of these, so let me introduce all of you to my version of Hogwarts AU.

Gryffindor :
Slytherin :
Hufflepuff :
Ravenclaw :

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"'How come you're here?'
Apparently Ron had hoped that this point would come up later, if at all.
'Well, I've - you know - I've come back. If-' He cleared his throat. 'You know. You still want me.'"
— JKR (DH19)

by Ottowl

1 17

"A glint of deep red... it was a sword with glittering rubies in its hilt... the sword of Gryffindor was lying at the bottom of the forest pool"
— JKR (DH19)

by Ottowl

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"You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart. Their daring, nerve, and chivalry, set Gryffindors apart."

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"Fred, George and Ginny had chosen to stay at school rather than visit Bill in Egypt with Mr and Mrs Weasley. Percy, who disapproved of what he termed their childish behaviour, didn't spend much time in the Gryffindor common room"
— JKR (CS12)

by Magda Szerszeń

0 13

"Harry found it peaceful, rather than gloomy, and enjoyed the fact that he, Hermione and the Weasleys had the run of Gryffindor tower, which meant they could play Exploding Snap loudly without bothering anyone…"
— JKR (CS12)

by Nastja Stark

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Hace unos días hice el test oficial para saber a que casa de Hogwarts pertenezco. Y soy una Gryffindor. Y mi patronus es una comadreja :´].

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Yep, this is indeed Katawa Shoujo, more specifically the protagonist, Hisao's, nutty hallmate Kenji, who believes there's some feminist conspiracy that reads like an InfoWars parody.

Apparently he's also a Gryffindor if that scarf is anything to go by.

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Heute gibt es das erste Wappentier von Hogwarts!
Wer von euch ist auch ein Gryffindor? 😉

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This is Masie played by on ’s witchcraft and wizardry. Masie is such a joy, seriously. I felt she wanted to stay out of trouble at first, but— LOL. Come watch the show!

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