In heaven~
Monaca is fine~
In heaven
Monaca is fine~

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Monaca Towa is a better employee than all of those nerds!

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. finished my gay ass art commission. Look how cute Monaca and I are! Happy Gays!

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More non-pain commissions!! Man... Monaca's so talented...

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時間できそうなので、ヘルプページで活躍してほしい「ガイド担当monacardちゃん」のmonacard配布します。キャラクター考えるの楽しかったので、オリキャラ作り応援〜! さんのmonappyお題締切りの6月2日まで、アドレス下さいましたら送らせていただきます。

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. made these for me since Monaca and I are cosplaying Asahina and Mikan 😄

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oh, it's this guy's birthday. Enjoy Monaca's gift or something. Will charge your bank account directly later.

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I headless Monaca in her natural state~

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Monaca found her last Halloween outfit!

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El Monaca es la best-o mucho grande desu!

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Crap! Monaca forgot the necklace! Atua's now gonna make Monaca age faster now!! HEELLLPPP!!!

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Monaca met Atua in space once and because Monaca was the cutest he gave Monaca eternal youth in exchange for never telling anyone she met him... ... ... ... hmmm...

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Okay I just gotta say I LOVE the way they designed Monaca's eyes.

Like they're a lot of fun to draw and they're also just really pretty but in some cases are also pretty off putting.

Also those eyelashes give me life.

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