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雪の降る砂漠を旅するような、ファンタジックな1曲!暑い日々の中、涼しげなサウンドに癒されます…😌❄️ぜひ聴いてみてくださいね💫 #初音ミク
@subwaydirectory Monaca Towa is a better employee than all of those nerds!
.@mittenuyo finished my gay ass art commission. Look how cute Monaca and I are! Happy Gays!
More non-pain commissions!! Man... Monaca's so talented...
Guys! I think I’ve jus created a monster!
#Danganronpa #UltraDespairGirls #DokiDokiLiteratureClub #DDLC #Monika #Monaca #JustMonika #JustMonaca
.@HylianShinobi made these for me since Monaca and I are cosplaying Asahina and Mikan 😄
oh, it's this guy's birthday. Enjoy Monaca's gift or something. Will charge your bank account directly later.
#MonaParty #MonaCard #もにゃ
Crap! Monaca forgot the necklace! Atua's now gonna make Monaca age faster now!! HEELLLPPP!!!
Monaca met Atua in space once and because Monaca was the cutest he gave Monaca eternal youth in exchange for never telling anyone she met him... ... ... ... hmmm...
Okay I just gotta say I LOVE the way they designed Monaca's eyes.
Like they're a lot of fun to draw and they're also just really pretty but in some cases are also pretty off putting.
Also those eyelashes give me life.