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This year has been wild and all over the place (which is pretty on-brand). Still, I'm grateful for everyone who appreciate my works and came along for the ride through the highs and lows.

So here's to surviving another year and bracing for the next one!🥂

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Here's a throwback to some of my art this year!

Hope the new year will be better for all of us!

Here's to year 2022! 🥂🍻

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Thank you for 2021 !!!!!!
2022 get ready yo!

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It's kind of crazy to look at what I've accomplished this year art-wise. After struggling to even doodle for 10 years and feeling like I'd lost any skill I might have had, for me to have drawn so much almost feels impossible. Lets keep this ball rolling!

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I don't see enormous improvement but hey another art year has passed and I hope I will do better next year 🥺🖤

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Here is my
Really like how it turns out✨

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2021 was a very productive year. Drew lots of comic pages including the release of Vol 1 of Going Through Changes :O Lots of DB couples (vegebul, hanvi, gochi, badagine, launchitz). Let's hope 2022 will be even better! Glad u chose to follow me ty🙏♥️

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Art summary for 2021
it's been a very rough year but hey, i think i've improved with my art 😆

Happy new year everyone!
stay safe and may we all have a better year ahead

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2021! This year is everything about new styles for me, as I explored a lot of artists which their art I set as an example to learn from, and became my moots!!

Hope next year I'll be able to manage my time better, and more importantly, be happier :D

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My Summary of Art 2021!
I fulfilled one of my resolutions this year to learn how to draw/paint detailed backgrounds!^^ Hoping to improve more on anatomy next year and even more detailed paintings ww

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my new years resolution is to draw at least one person facing right 💀

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I kinda like how the second half of the year started with Josuke and ended with Kira. That's pretty cool.

I didn't make anything for April or May, so I just out Feb twice

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✏️2021 art summary 🖌️
I didn't realize how motley this years art had been, until I assembled it.

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My Art Summary 2021✨Thank you for all your support!!

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struggled with style and workflow consistency during art school but i'm proud to have drawn so much personal work this year! here's to more art in 2022~

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After april, i got real busy with uni work, but damn, October, November & December made up for it. There are ssssoooo ssoooo many pieces done in those 3 months, that i had trouble choosing between them! Specially this last month.

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별로 그린거 없는것같았는데 모아보니 12장은 여유있게 또 나오네요 실력이 늘었는진 모르겠고 일단 게을러진건 확실
thought I drew much less but AF really did made me do stuff - few gifs were also there but didn't put them in cuz png

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