Two beautiful pieces by Katherine Firth and David John Leathers

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David Leathers will be exhibiting at the Cambridge Drawing Society exhibition from April 11th 2015.

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My students wanted to paint here they are art classes

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From the Wash to the Thames and from the Fens to the German Sea

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This giraffe just wanted to feel like Superman before arriving at formal. (Pic: )

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John Singer Man Reading, c. 1905, Harvard Art Museums-Fogg Museum, Cambridge

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Love love love Ms Marvel by - thanks to for the recommendation, it's fab.

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Attention agents and publishers: Cambridge MA Children's Illustration Class of 2015 -

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Cornish Port,1930. Ben Nicholson (Kettle's Yard, Cambridge University)

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Cambridge folks should head to tonight to see the self-contained sonic powerhouse

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An exhibition by COS artists: "Cambridge Christmas 2014"
Mon 24th Nov

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Bear at entrance to fabulous for geological sciences in Cambridge.

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