Pull Your Own Weight: The democratizing effects of beating childhood obesit https://t.co/j9pCPLmlKJ

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Pull Your Own Weight: The democratizing effects of beating childhood obesit https://t.co/u9DNe5vuqN

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Over the years, Democrats have expended gargantuan efforts to find things when there never was anything there.

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A Democrat without excuses is like gun without bullets.

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A Democrat without an excuse is like Wyatt Earp without his six gun.

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confident they can block Trump’s agenda after spending-bill win.

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Morning! My for Thomas Frank article on US Democrats letting down the industrial Midwest

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Left right, Republican Democrat, for him for her, we can all agree we don't want to leave our kids with new forms of cancer. 🙏🙏🌎🙏🙏

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Era of Democratic appeasement putting America in danger is over. The world now knows we have a serious President.

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Democrats are kinda confused on the Russia thing.

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Makes perfect sense for Democrats.

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New thinking for Democrats.

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The latest cover. THE NEW PARTY OF NO: How a president and a protest movement transformed the Democrats.

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Democrats attacks against Sessions belly flops.

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Most democracies would call this undemocratic. Most democracies use Proportional Representation. Sign the petition: https://t.co/hRaVpm99h2

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