Eisner Award el “Oscars” de los cómics lo ganó una historia basada en los Aztecas https://t.co/TY9B0S5hHX

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Découvrez Giant Days, la série lauréate d'un Eisner Awards 2019 !

Une série attachante qui raconte les péripéties de trois colocataires devenues amies 👯‍♀️

➡️ https://t.co/UZ7kZuPctn

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This year's Eisner award winner for Best Colorist, . An outstanding talent, you know his work when you see it and raises the standard of every panel, page, book he touches.

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Support on the front lines of Free Expression and score signed copies of Eisner Award winners work like , , & more! https://t.co/qiOhDX6sfo

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Hi guys!
I´m Victor Santos, I draw (and sometimes write) books like VIOLENT LOVE, RASHOMON and BAD GIRLS. My POLAR graphic novel has been adapted & released worldwide by Netflix, and more of my stuff has been optioned. Harvey & Eisner nominee.
More info:

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Julia Madrigal, Gabriel Hernández y Ken Niimura galardonados en los Premios Eisner https://t.co/bXHDbxjjdy

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huge congrats on the eisner!!

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me: wow i wonder if i could ever buckle down and win an eisner
also me:

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Félicitations au coloriste Matt Wilson , qui a remporté un Eisner Award pour l'ensemble de son travail !!!
👏🍾 😍

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'El príncipe y la modista', de Jen Wang, se lleva dos (Artista y Publicación 'teen') y 'Luces Nocturnas', de , (Joven promesa).

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That and Junji Ito winning an Eisner were just

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Announcements: Congratulations for winning an Eisner Award for Tokyo Tarareba Girls! MONOGATARI illustrator coming to 2019! + 4 new shojo manga coming soon
Detail: https://t.co/jJ4jjC2xxe

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¡Desde la editorial queremos felicitar a por su Eisner a Mejor colorista y a por el suyo a Mejor webcomic por UMAMI! 🏆 ¡Enhorabuena! 🏆

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„Stimmungsvolle Bilder, aber noch nicht wirklich packend“: hat sich für den die Reihe „Gideon Falls“ genauer angeschaut, die vergangene Nacht bei der den als beste neue Comicserie bekam https://t.co/hHgLTROkuU

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Ganadores de los

Mejor Serie Regular
Giant Days

Mejor Serie Limitada
Mister Miracle

Mejor Serie Nueva
Gideon Falls

Mejor Álbum Gráfico
My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies

El próximo lunes podcast especial hablando de estos premios y todas las noticias de la

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Los españoles Julia Madrigal, Gabriel Hernández y Ken Niimura ganan los Premios Eisner (los "Óscar del en . de https://t.co/4XjOgNoIRa . .

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Muchísimas felicidades por ese más que merecido a Mejor Cómic Digital por 👏

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Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez is the publisher of the benefit anthology Ricanstruction: Reminiscing & Rebuilding Puerto Rico.

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