画質 高画質

Nuevo personaje!
Xion el "padre fundador", una extraña forma de vida de la que se conoce bastante poco.
Un rato más lo subiré completo con más info 0u0)/

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Hi again <3 This is an assignment for TbChoi's Fundamentals course.


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quick still life for !!! practicing my fundamentals

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Name: Paradigm shift
A fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions.

Price: 150



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🏴‍☠️ | 7° lugar: BUGGY

Quem diria... o palhaço é TOP 10.

Fez parte da tripulação de Gol D. Roger, ex-Shichibukai, fundador do Buggy's Delivery, Yonkou e representante da Cross Guild ─ ao lado de Crocodile e Mihawk (uma aliança tranquila). É muita pompa para um personagem só!

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FUNdamental FACTual: Beth, given the fact that she was the one who revived Lillith, as the power to turn her into a bat as she please, and there is nothing Lillith can do about it

Cause honestly, what can you do as a tiny vamp bat?? Tho it's not too bad~

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IT'S We made it.
Let's Chill into your weekend.

PARTY ON!!! 🍺 🍕🍕🍕🍺

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"Hmm, is this fantasy show bad because of some sort of fundamental misunderstanding of the appeal of the source material and hack writing? No, it's melanin's fault!"

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[🌻] [...] "Voltando ao início, falando mais profundamente sobre a experiência da beleza de carregar um filho que minha esposa teve ano passado. Foi a coisa mais linda para mim ver a criança nascer e ver ela crescer". 🥺🥹

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Parece piada quando eu digo isso, mas ano passado quando eu tava afundando na depressão o que me impediu de fazer besteira não ironicamente foi ficar vendo coisa dos Ushiten

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tribute to the girl that fundamentally altered my brain chemistry

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The render here is based on Sally's appearance in the comics after Tracy Yardley took over as their primary artist; the design there retained the fundamentals of Sally's original design but rendered them in a style more in keeping with the post-"Sonic Adventure" aesthetic.

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Fundaes with the sickest reveal!! Guys you can still mint these beauties! A lot 3 1/1’s still yet to mint!

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Puede que sea debido a que soy profundamente subnormal, pero he tardado 11 episodios en darme cuenta de que Sonny Boy no tiene opening

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Thank you all for collecting! I appreciate you 🙏

and sundayfunday.tez

Burning the remaining majority later

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Raja Ravi Varma was a fundamental artist of 19th-century India, and he was not only recognized locally but internationally. He was the first artist that blended Indian characters, localized settings, and a European way of painting, incorporating the technique of the Victorian Era

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¡Hola! Soy Gaby Miranda, ilustradora guatemalteca con 30 años de edad. Fundadora de Wawa Studio, con el sueño de poder viajar a Japón en algún momento de mi vida.

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cramer calling out crypto and bitcoins fundamentals, saying its a market full of nothing, and a failure of an asset class

we may be closer to the bottom than i thought kek

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