After 8 years, I decided to draw Kagamine Rin and Len! Facebook LIVEで を描いてみて完成した。8年前にリンレンを描いてみたって思い出し,自分の才能に自信を持つため2枚比べてみたw

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Doodles, cuz why not

Also plan on changing Hansel!Alexiel's colors cuz they clash with his hair isbsiwjw

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(sorry for reposting this it's just that he didn't have an ear... he still doesn't but i fixed it) it's len!

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I was upset and in shipping mode so drew Amomiche to cheer myself up uwu

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I didn't change much, it's more like a traditional ver of the original art in my drawing style
Anyway, hope you like it

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Late but it was DoE's anniv the other day, so have this old thing I did before

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This was for an art trade with a friend who loves Len so much >w<

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