been kinda broke lately so if u need a custom brand, logo, card, thumbnail, banner, etc made then dm me! I've got affordable prices and work with everyone's budget :D

2 5

Huge thanks to @/weeabuuuu for the amazing logo! If you need a simple logo, I highly recommend her! She works so fast, but you'd never be able to guess that from the quality!

2 3

can we talk about how Tadashi most likely was the one who designed the new logo, who ordered the gravestone and according to Chill Out! he is the one who calls the tailor to tell him that the design for the suit had been approved?

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DAREDEVIL ships next week on May 19!
Here's the final cover with logo, credits, etc. by Marco Checchetto and Matthew Wilson (along with the original solicited cover).
Issue by Zdarsky, Checchetto, Hawthorne, Di Benedetto, Menyz and Cowles.

10 61

I had so much fun making a logo, I've really been enjoying drawing recently (maybe a doodle stream in the future????) Love you guys and I'll see ya tomorrow ♥️

2 5

makes for somewhat of a neat logo, yes? somewhat tempted to make lil stickers like this and plaster them around the place

0 14

Heftig geiles Logo, riesen Dank an an dieser Stelle.

Freue mich schon sehr mit , diesem Logo und unserem Team, welches ihr bei Skor findet, die Liga zu attackieren. Konnte heute etwas Selbstvertrauen tanken, der Hype ist da und der Rest ist Slow, Slowbro

1 4

Primero que nada,mis disculpas por todas las preocupaciones

Aquel famoso dia que estaba diciendo
Se trataba de una cita al psicologo,por eso andaba algo nervioso estos dias
Respecto a que tal me fue,lastimosamente no pude consultar por razones de fuerza mayor,asi que toc esperar

2 22

Este dibujo apenas lo termine para una persona muy especial que tengo en facebook, el es el dueño del dibujo, yo solo le ayude en hacerselo a digital y coloque mi logo, pero no es del todo mio x3

8 33

Almost forgot to share this oop-
Here's my first attempt of creating a logo, though it was a speedrun it was interesting to work on!

Hopefully when I have a better understanding of logo designing I can probably upgrade this, what do you guys think?

3 9

Cada día es más difícil crecer en Twitch, hay que tener mucho talento y perseverancia, y quizá un poco de suerte.

Yo no tengo ninguna de esas 3, pero vaya logo, emotes y alertas guapas que tenemos en el canal

2 27

I did this logo, well, obviously for Powerland: Huriya! Haha! Not very confident with logos but i tried. Followed specific instructions from author, including color scheme, fonts, positioning and style except for the circle thing around it.

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Caricatura de Charly con su familia, un regalo para su pareja por el día de la madre. Si quieres tener un detallazo como éste con tu pareja o con tu otorrinolaringólogo, pídemelo por privado (mejor si es con educación) y lo hablamos.

1 2

You're talking about this logo, right?

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Big thanks to for hooking me up with a amazing logo, sub badges, and emote!!!! If you need any graphic design work hit up any he will do you right!!!!!

1 3

Designing a Squad Logo – Part 2/3.
The Black Bulls logo is very cool. The Golden Dawn’s logo, on the other hand…. I get that the sun was often drawn like that in the past, but it just looks like a lenny face to me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Recently redesigned my brand logo, as I usually do yearly. Here's the old logo's I've used in the past!
(2018) (2019) (2021)

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Lua Cheia em Escorpião vai tensionar Urano (planeta que rege eletricidade, imprevistos..).
Logo, nas próximas 48hrs não se assustem se algum coelho tentar pular da cartola.
Essa Lua também costuma fortalecer "poderes" e abrir as nossas defesas.
Fica light, bb.

18 135