Me thinking of all the friends we lost at the end of the 5 eps of

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How's that for an opinion that has zero to do with identity politics or fearing "strong women" from a white male that doesn't cling to original series mythos? Also for the record, I dig the most on this show, Teela not so much.

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Just finished the new series on
Really enjoyed it overall. Teela and Evil Lyn were great.
Here are a few of my fantasy takes on some of the main crew.

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I was pleasantly surprised by the brand new Master’s of the Universe show. It’s got a lot of guts

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T-minus 23 hours and counting before we kick off our Tour. That means we haven't had a chance to watch the new MOTU yet, so we're slowly dying inside.
"Grayskull Shall Be Mine"

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*grabs you* please go watch this exact moment its making me insane

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La suite du dessin-animé des années 80 « Les Maîtres de l’Univers » dispo sur Netflix depuis hier, m’a inspiré cette version perso avec Minet & Matou : « Les Matous de l’Univers »!

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Some more artwork for your timeline. An old piece I did of Merman - possibly my fave character from the old series.

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The choice is obvious. Stop supporting the mainstream ruiners and help build up indie creators working hard to deliver fresh IPs with love and care!

Wings of Vengeance is InDemand!

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If you are wondering about the two colour schemes, one is based more on the original toy, the other on the original cartoon. Costume is a bit of a mashup of both.

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