Red Sonja commission coming atcha! An old Hibernian saying translated to modern English roughly says "Cover your tender bits when the red headed she devil comes along cause it can get stabby." Something like that, my Hibernian is a but rusty.

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Red Sonja, my fave barbarian girl. Sometimes you just gotta add some color ;)

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oh yeah finishing up old commissions too, this was that winter watercolor. still lots to learn!!!

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Some recent Patreon sketch card rewards! If you’d like to get one this is the last week to sign up for this months rewards & get a cute exclusive Halloween postcard print! 🎃

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Almost done with another commission...

I like painting them abs I guess

17 140

Throwback to a Red Sonja redesign I did for fun.

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Coloreando a otros artistas, primera amiga artista a la que he tenido el placer de colorear una de sus obras.

Dibujo de .
Color de servidor.
Espero que os guste. :)

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Excuse me, hi, could we have more old woman comic heroes? Thanks!

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There just isn’t enough time in my day for me to draw what I want. Sometimes it’s buff ladies.

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sits on a throne of bones. Like the only more metal.

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Supposed to be drawing a cover but I am posting this instead. A No Prize to anyone who can tell me who this is and her first appearance!

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