Was trying some brushes and doodled small chungus

2 4

Idk man
You're probably gonna evolve into some big chungus but I love you

22 127

Big chungus brought his cousin

2 22

who would win rt for big yoshi like for big chungus send tweet

21 6

Meet my son Chungus Ikea

3 63

Oh No Its A Rival To Big Chungus. D:

0 0

Bean pole and big chungus.

0 1

Fig 5) Multiple, more complex arrangements of Chouses and Chunnels are known as a Chungle. People who live within a Chungle are known as Chungus(es) [plural] (See: Fig 6). Chunguses that live in a Chungle but have their Chouses connected by a Chunnel are Chungus Cheihbors (Fig 7)

13 75

Some R63 commissions I did. I thought about posting them for a while. And since I am posting random cats and big chungus, I have no reason not to.

3 18

You know what disappoints me?

Nobody else seems to realize that Big Chungus should have been the same meme as the Spongebob chicken.

0 1

Since I've listened to the Big chungus song by CG5, it just blew my mind. So I think I should make this. And since it's a big meme.

0 1

You spelled “Big Chungus” wrong

0 5