//=time() ?>
Si algún dia te sientes el mayor fracaso recuerda que aun existo yo.
De nada por subirte el autoestima
@IbveeVT I'm so fast I usually beat the estimated time by 10-20 minutes UwU even if I'm only going 5 minutes away
Recordatorio que tu pasado ya no te necesita, y cómo dijo el gran Gustavo Cerati: “No es soberbia, es amor, poder decir adiós es crecer” 🌻
#gustavocerati #cerati #adios #poderdeciradiosescrecer #amorpropio #autoestima #depresion #autoayuda
GM fam
September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day
An estimated 703,000 people a year take their life around the world.
Call, chat through
988 in Eng/Spanish
1323 สำหรับภาษาไทย
And my dm is open always
I'm going to nominate Booster Gold. Man took on Doomsday but him getting a win on Homelander after MASSIVELY underestimating him would be a satisfying story because after Booster Gold fails at getting his fame he ruins Homelander. https://t.co/sBEZitkMME
Opening a few more of these slots.
This round is gonna be $45usd (because I underestimated how much time they would take)
Hace rato que no traía un fan art, y ya iba tocando...
Creo que esto resume bastante bien todo el stream xD
Espero les guste mis estimados Smashito y Gaposo UwU
Don't underestimate the power of the assassin turkey!
#ACFinest #AssassinsCreed
I was hoping yo finish a fanfic I was writing in time for wlw cr week, but I underestimated how long it would take, so instead I'm gonna just draw a couple pieces, here's a wip of one
@Cryptoflex27 @RareApepeYC Quack quack, don’t underestimate the power of the quack, we will ducking win any race. Quack quack may the duck force be with you my quacker. #NFTCommunity #uglyduckwtf #duckarmy #NFTartwork @Uglyduckwtf
@Cryptoflex27 @RareApepeYC I think that you underestimate the power of our #duckarmy!! Nothing's stronger and louder than us @Uglyduckwtf Quack quack, WTF⁉️🦆 #uglyduckwtf
Solid plays IMO
$SCRAP 2-3x
$FLWR 3-10x
Taiyo Robotics @TaiyoPilots Pilots mint soon @TaiyoRobotics
Lotus Gang @THELILYNFT LILY mint soon @lotusgangnft
Sol Flowers @solflowers_io
Ukiyo mint soon @UkiyoNFT_
Wade mint 9/15 @Worldwide_Wade
Liberty Square @LibertySquareHQ
gepeng tH3 V4mp1re LorD'5 Gr3@tesT W1f3
Sender baru baca eps 1 tadi pagi & masih ga percaya ini gepeng lokal dah. Bukan bermaksud underestimate webtoon lokal, krna webtoon lokal jg banyak yg bagus gambarnya jg tp ini berasa kyk manhwa banget jd bangga sm thornya 😍
Hey everyone! I have a few things planned but I wanted some input from you all! What merch do you want to see from me? I've got a couple polls in the reply, please rt if you can so I can get a good estimate!
2016: Estimado Señor Ernest.
Cortometraje dirigido por Miguel López que gustará especialmente a los amantes de la #animación2D tradicional.
Ver corto: https://t.co/i5gLFZZByq