I am Astroboyruletheworld ladies and gentlemen welcome to my underground layer where Many things i like mostly pokespe and Miku.

2 7

양치하는(중요) 애옹 썬
3인 합작 그림

⚠️This is pokespe art, not pokemon

6 40

I've been thinking about her origin story, and I figure that she would be retired spokesperson for a early 2013 bubble gum product named "Bubbily". However, the company would shut down due to her retirement and the poor sales of "Bubbily".

6 28

실친들하고 채색 해봄

⚠️This is pokespe art, not pokemon

1 39

two dudes at the beach call it The Beach Boys🐬🌴✨🌊

9 16

More Yellow doodles I have :)
The bottom one is the first drawing I did of her

11 37

A little pokespe drawing~ Recently bought the entire Gen 1 Pokémon manga set thingy oo.

4 19

I think it's incredibly funny that pokespe Colress has absolutely zero patience for anything Zinzolin says and his preferred method of punishing him for being alive is Shoe To Face

22 71


⚠️This is pokespe art, not pokemon art

40 198

wait a moment what the fuck the game already announced zzh as spokesperson I JUST WOKE UP I CANT PROCESS

213 682

달나라 공주는 햇님을 향해 기도한대

⚠️This is pokespe, not pokemon

26 106

“아직은 안돼”

⚠️This is pokespe, not pokemon

67 269

Red as a soldier first class finally colorise

2 8

Well you must be the Pokémon Comunity, better late than ever I guess!

Welcome guys! This is a fun Daily account of the Oak Grandson himself!

Going from all media with content about fun facts, opinions, artworks, images and more!

I hope you all enjoy!

5 32