Sauf que elle c’est pour passer rang B

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YES HELLO YOU RANG??? Here are some of my bois 👀

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Someone rang for nice comments to artists? I'm all for that 😤😤😤

1 6

Quality over quantity. Cliche but rang true for me as my latest environment landed me a spot at . By putting myself out there on , I was spotted by and the exposure from my breakdown undeniably played a part in the process.

4 53

Would/Should have been my best bud's 44th birthday today. A band of fab ringers rang a quarter peal at the church where she got married and had her funeral. It was beautiful

2 19

Some lore.
These are manifestation of Sphere's will. Sphere are augmented reality in my setting. They can take any appearance actually, but these are dominant.
Wings are important in their design.
They usually are given to those, who achieved rang of Admin or Moder >

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yuayua - Rang Rain / 空想ノスタルジア

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