Speedpainting and Step-by-Step process of Glacia available now! 🌺 Finally improving video quality

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I love how this turned out definitely my favorite redraw I've done!

Also check out the speedpainting and hear why I think all artist should redraw old work: https://t.co/TBd6qLl3AJ

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Just finished Dororo. That anime is to damn good!

You watch Dororo yet?

You can see the speedpainting of this as I Fan out over the anime here: https://t.co/0hrD3fbHtN

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A bit of today's speedpainting.
Can't decide though which of RK brothers this is🤔 Your choice 😋

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7/31 "Crystal" !
I had fun studying some awesome crystal pictures I found.
I also made a timelapse video of this one, posting it below !
Hope you like this little guy
~30 minutes

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그림이 안그려지는 이번 주....비축을 쌓아야 전신을 그리는데 비축은 커녕 한장그리기도 힘든 요즘 날씨... 얼른 시원해졌으면 좋겠어요 ㅇ>-<


토스트 Toast - 스피드 페인팅 [Speed painting (CLIP STUDIO)]

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Gostaria de agradecer todo o apoio e carinho que recebi, nunca imaginei que atingiria essa meta tão rápido, sou eternamente grata a todo mundo MAS
agradecimentos especiais para

speedpainting em breve

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Mais um processo gravado
esse vídeo tava pronto faz tempo mas eu só lembrei de postar aqui agora

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I’m a whisper in water
A secret for you to hear
You are the one who grows distant
When I beckon you near 🌑

Decided to try out Clip Studio Paint for this one.

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Mistress of the butterflies

Essa pintura foi um estudo maravilhoso, eu sinto q aprendi bastante coisa nova, me desafiei a tentar fazer uma pintura com o mínimo de referência possível p/ pintura e iluminação, então tive q forçar bastante meu cérebro

Amanhã tem speedpainting

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