Time for a different kind of reference. BT3 reminds us of Archnemon and Mummymon's demise in Digimon Adventure 02 by giving them a specific effect.

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Gururumon awaits the player on Digimon World's Mugen Mountain, just like in the game.

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Psychemon is resting on Digimon World's Trash Mountain, one of its locations in the game.

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Whoever is fighting Dinobeemon in BT3-055 seems to have lost their claws.

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ClavisAngemon can be seen guarding some sort of gate in BT3-042, possibly the Zenith Gate.

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Bulucomon's DRB profile states it is very close to Penmon. They certainly seem to be together a lot, even sharing card numbers!

Also, BT3-022 has Penmon playing curling, just like in Digimon World.

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Voltobautamon's Spiedini are visible BT3-019's illustration, which features Ragnaloardmon in battle. Looking at both Digimon's DRB profiles, we find the reason behind this implied confrontation.

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On to Booster Union Impact. BT3-007's Agumon (Black) mirrors the art from BT2-043.

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And AtlurKabuterimon breaks through one of Vademon's kiss-summoned asteroids.

That's it for today. Hope you enjoyed and feel free to contribute.

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Zudomon faces against WaruSeadramon. I guess he can't get enough of beating Seadramon up.

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In BT2-055, ToyAgumon is accompanied by Blikmon and a few Digimon World items.

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Immediately into BT2 ULTIMATE POWER, BT2-001 reminds us how much Guilmon loves bread.

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Last but not least, the Parallel BT1-115 offers a different look on Zero's battle against Triceramon in Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01.

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BT1-101's background is very similar to the destroyed city where SaberLeomon's battle takes place, in Digimon Adventure.

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Both BT1-077 and the Parallel BT1-076 have Okuwamon and AtlurKabuterimon facing each other, as a reference to the rivalry between both species.

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In the Parallel BT1-010 and BT1-029, Agumon and Gabumon jump out of the Digital Monster Ver.1 virtual pets.

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P-034 has PicoDevimon working under DoneDevimon with a cunning smile.

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Another game reference. V-mon is winding up a punch in front of a DigiBeetle from Digimon World 2.

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