Olar, eu sou Guido ✨💖

Faço desenhos fofos e trabalho com Ilustração e animação 2D, atualmente como freelancer.

Veja mais trabalhos aqui ó:

6 14

Olar, eu sou Guido ✨💖

Faço desenhos fofos e trabalho com Ilustração e animação 2D, atualmente como freelancer.

Veja mais trabalhos aqui ó:

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Would you like Rinka to give you a lap pillow too? 🥰💞

While she WILL remain 2D, you can still play with her in Valkyrie Drive 😘

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Sketch turned 2D, and Dan and Jotan joined Desingers Kart!

(Sketch and Dan sprite work made by )

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[RT추첨] 목표 금액 도달 시 한 분 그려드립니다
🤍2인 고정틀 커미션🤍
~55000원에 받고 있습니다~
자컾, 커뮤, 2D, 3D 장르와 성별 상관 없이 DM 주세요!!
*커미션 샘플 미공개와 빠른 마감 시 추가금이 붙습니다

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Hi, Scott! My name is Calvin Evans. I'm a 2D and 3D animator (Currently majoring in the latter.) I draw a lot in 2D, model often in 3D, and animate evenly between the two. Here's some images of pieces I've done, for animation work you can check my website: https://t.co/Gsnu1bEiws

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Olar, eu sou Guido ✨💖

Faço desenhos fofos e trabalho com Ilustração e animação 2D, atualmente como freelancer.

Veja mais trabalhos aqui ó:

2 12

Opa! Obrigado pelo espaço.

Fala gente. Me chamo Bruno, sou Animador 2D, background Artist e ilustrador! No momento focando nas animas e nos trampos de cenário! :D

Aqui alguns amigos que mandam bem tbm

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there she is..
i will attempt rigging this later in Live2D, which i've never tried, , and also haven't gotten yet

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Husbu sejuta umat nih wkwk. Meski gue oleng sana-sini tapi tetep aja sukanya ke Sasuke. Sayang banget dia 2D, ga bisa dimiliki😭udah jadi milik Sakura pula

8 16

Okay so I’ve posted all of these before but literally it’s been so long and nobody saw them so fuck it Gorillaz artdump
(First Momentary Bliss 2D, Demon days 2D, Spoopy crystal thing ,and an art practice with my Gorillaz OC)

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Nah, I'm pretty sure it's intentional.
Animation smears (duplicates that represent motion) are one of the oldest and common animation techniques. But they're usually in 2d, so putting them in 3d can seem a bit off.
Le animation history lesson :P

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Color and visual development artist (and soon to be Domestika teacher!) creates magical worlds in his illustrations with a depth that feels beyond 2D, conveying more emotion and story than any script could provide.

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🔹뽀쨕 동물화 커미션 입니다. 2d, 3d 뿐만 아니라 반려동물도 신청 받고 있습니다.
🔹문의, 신청은 DM으로 주세요!
🔹일정 금액 달성시마다 알티추첨으로 한분 B타입 그려드립니다.😊

링크>> https://t.co/mEQLdShHxY

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Hi!! This is my side acct, main is . I’m an NB/pan artist from the US looking for remote 2d, illustration, and or graphic work c: 💖

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hey hey! I'm goobold! I do a good bit of furry character art! most of what I do right now is 2d, but I'm hoping to get more into the 3d side of things sometime!

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I just do a lot of stuff, 3D, 2D, sprite work, and animations!

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gonna make the face look like stylized 2D, but the body's basically done now.
the weight paint still needs a little work, but the mesh is finished

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Hello & I'm Cassidy-a sometimes 2d, sometimes 3d artist with a thing for plants & coffee 🌿 Nice to meet you!

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