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4 6

A new member of the Bloodstone family makes her debut and it could be a new direction for the whole clan Elsa is such a fun character & we love the voice give her here Plus great art Spoiler-free review -> https://t.co/aHvSqueLsd

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Jack Frost: Will you marry me Queen Elsa?
Me: Please say yes! 😄
Having fun simp these two characters..

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Update on Elsa: still figuring the color code and shadowing.. https://t.co/EdC142jwvG

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A new member of the Bloodstone family makes her debut and it could be a new direction for the whole clan Elsa is such a fun character & we love the voice give her here Plus great art Spoiler-free review -> https://t.co/aHvSqueLsd

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"Obscure" is debatable, but Elsa Bloodstone hands down.

0 10

A new member of the Bloodstone family makes her debut and it could be a new direction for the whole clan Elsa is such a fun character & we love the voice give her here Plus great art Spoiler-free review -> https://t.co/aHvSqueLsd

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literally HOT

elsa is a wildlife animal too well adapted to cold climate
probably a reason elsa would fever in mid summer

in novels mentioned she hate high collar & tight sleeves
so mostly elsa dress with no collar (even no underpants)
also yes olaf tellin the truth of his mom https://t.co/cljq8kbYBR

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"eLsA hAtEs StEpHeN"

Elsa in reality:

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4. The Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone.
Cómo pueden incluir tantas cosas en un solo cómic sin que sature brillante maravilloso probablemente uno de los cómics en los que más se ha contado de la familia desde... Literalmente la aparición de Elsa.

0 1

A new member of the Bloodstone family makes her debut and it could be a new direction for the whole clan Elsa is such a fun character & we love the voice give her here Plus great art Spoiler-free review -> https://t.co/aHvSqueLsd

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At this point I'm just utterly convinced H*ward doesn't like Stephen at all and whenever she has a chance to write him, she'll go for a bad portrayal

1) DS v5 annual - treating Zelma like a child
2) Empyre: X-Men - patronizing Wanda
3) DODS: Elsa - heartless monster

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Axel from Kingdom Hearts and Elsa from Frozen (as well as Kingdom Hearts) 🔥❤️❄️ more of them in the modern spin of their old outfits

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A new member of the Bloodstone family makes her debut and it could be a new direction for the whole clan Elsa is such a fun character & we love the voice give her here Plus great art Spoiler-free review -> https://t.co/aHvSqueLsd

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let me recommend this 2
anna & elsa novel series (1-9 so far, japanese ver 1-6)

Anna & Elsa All Hail the Queen (Disney Frozen)
アナと雪の女王 愛されるエルサ女王 (角川つばさ文庫)

true sisters adventures
elsanna stans must have https://t.co/vDqTA2I63g

1 5

我就是Elsa 啊 o(`ω´ )o

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