A new for today! Here is a Purple Beast (just imagine that it's purple)!
It is one of Yog-Sothoth's attendant and it hatches from Purple Blastulas.

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That was long time but we've finally finished this art. It illustrates clearly that you shouldn't interrupt a Deep One while it is eating if you don't want to become its food!

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Here is a new card! One more spell for Old Ones faction, mysterious and transcendent, Gates of R'lyeh!

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🤫 On pourrait faire un tweet long et poétique mais depuis qu'on a vu les œuvres de , on est sans voix.
👉 https://t.co/Ime2npohsY
👉 chez votre libraire préféré

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To begin my actual first inktober here is Apoctober, 31 days of madness

31 days of H.P.Lovecraft based theme drawings

This is day 1: Grief (plus my friend wanted to see a soldier)

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Elder Sign, one of the most recognized symbols in the world of Lovecraft, one of his first appearances is in the story of
The Thing on the Doorstep

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Here is Passive ability of Shub-Niggurath - Consume. When a friendly creature with Insignificant is destroyed, Leader's health increases by 1. This is the only leader who may have more health than her base amount!

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Here is Active ability of Shub-Niggurath - Birth. She can summon the Lesser Spawn and each time she plays a creature cooldown reduces by 1. So play a lot of her creatures to use this ability often!

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The third edition of Geekorama will be organised in Bayeux on the 23 and 24th of November. This year the theme will be Monsters.

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Here is a few fine works of art based on WILDCAT! Check out these wonderful artists!

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🦑“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown”🎨Adéline Albert🦑#HPLovecraft

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深きもの(Deep One)さん。

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