My most recent purchase! What an absolute gem! 🤌💎

7 32

GM my newest family member added to the crew! Tons of great deals on the floor right now! Get to sniping!

8 45

Come join 🍄🍄

✨️Daily games to win & 🕹

✨️Live drawing sessions 👨‍🎨

✨️Poker with huge prizes 🃏

✨️Amazing 👥

✨️Weekly competition to win a 🎉

✨️Merch discount to holders 🛍

And more

2 7

I Diamond Hand! These are no longer on the get the idea!! Come find your yourself with the We live in PADLAND! Where everything is PADTACULAR!

2 6

I will showcase the super sickness inside one of the GREATEST ARTISTS minds of all time! Kills it!!You will not want to miss this chance! Get in before this 2nd Gen comes out to the public!!

2 11

I’m buying too! Join me and we can have some fun together!! I’ll show you some of my favorite Traits!! 💚🙏I’ve got some super RAD Check these out!🔥💥🚀

3 10

I want to introduce you to the RAD have price points of entry for all!! Here are some of my favorites..they ranged in price! I even occasionally get lucky with a rare on the floor!!

1 5

Join The on Discord

💎Daily games to win &
🧪Live drawing sesions to watch Gen2 creation
🔥Poker: HUGE prizes

2 4

My most recent 🍄🍄 beauty ✨️

🚨Our merch store 🛍 is now live 😎 and we got a sick Gen 2 🐌collection coming 👀

💥 Come join the 🎉 fun 🥳 while there's still time ⏳️

5 19

100% come check out

🚨 New merch store 🛍

🚨 Gen 2 on the way 🐌

🚨 Games 🎮 contests & giveaways 🎰

🚨 Strong 💪 community 👥

✨️ Absolutely 🤩 amazing 💥

6 14

Nothing cooler 😎 than a

👉 With a dope new ✨️ merch store & 🚨 Gen 2 🐌 collection on the way 👀 🥳

💥 No better time ⏳️ to buy than now 💯

7 13

VaVoom!! Nice looking 👁💚👁glass of wine! Yes we love you! I sure would like to play Gameboy with you!!👾👾👾#PAD IS RAD

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