A kidnapped prince. A mysterious traveler with a dark secret. A dragon beckons, promising great power...

Check out REEDS, a queer Asian fantasy comic--
-- only on the WEBTOON app!

catch up now on ⬇️

9 35

Random, but would any of my mutuals want a nugget dance gif of their Mc/Oc/Character of their choice?
If so pls drop a picture(!!!!!) of them full bod in the comments <3

Not promising or saying that i will do it, but i might do it to procrastinate on more important things

1 15

🎁 WL Giveaway 🎁

Our new partners, PNPEmpire, is a project promising good stuff in the Game-Fi space.

They are offering to our community 10 WL spots!

To participate:

1️⃣ Follow and
2️⃣ Tag 3 friends
3️⃣ Retweet

⏱ Winners in 48 hours

54 75

is one of the most promising P2E games in the scene right now. Amazing roadmap. Minted 3 of these chicas which I'm hodling and staking for gains. Cant wait for the actual game bc it looks sick

1 5

The is a women-led project! Check out their art it’s beautiful and they’re promising a graphic novel, tarot cards, and a companion for this first roadmap and the second roadmap is to be announced soon 🍄♥️
is the talented artist behind this

16 57

Welcome to my collection !

This project has super promising ideas about how to go one step ahead in the gaming-nft space.

Start was rough but WAGMI :)

1 8

> day 189
hahahha benn a while hasn’t it? hoping to be more productive art-wise bet not promising anything. anyways- phil! :) -Lychee

4 15

Vision! For such a price, the team has a very promising road map, second on-chain strategy game that I believe will rank high on crypto based game.
Staking right on after mint, isn’t that awesome? Happy with my mint.

1 20

It looks as if I paid someone to color these eyes for me, I still can't believe it.
2022 is being pretty promising so far!

0 1

The just started series on 'ostKUNSTwest: deutsch-deutsche Kunstgeschichten' looks promising - with podcasts on photography, counter-cultures, the feminist avant garde..

8 13

Gonna have to recommend everyone this fantastic project:

First thing that got my eye: artworks. Dragonball feels, absolutely loved them

Then i checked the roadmap on the site and damn! it's so good and promising.


1 7

Hi Paris, don’t miss out adding to your collection! It’s 2018 OG, 1st Waifu NFT project, beautiful hand-drawn generative artwork, only 1025 genesis supply! vey promising!

10 49

Boys stuck in compromising positions eating their vegetables.

2 26

uncompromising obsession 3☆ (untrained)

3 13

Early days but promising community

0 0

Made a fan art collab between ABS and this promising upcoming project


0 0

Read Harleen. Basically the entire story (and it's really well written) is how she started as a brilliant promising young psychiatrist and slowly lost her sanity throughout the book until she eventually becomes HQ in the last page. It's a great character study.

6 170

the game roster for tomorrow's subathon is... promising... 😳

0 61

It seems 's good bun Mataku got their paws (or rather, their butt!) on some sizable prey! Promising that the trip up through their body won't be wasted, as they're redistributed all around, but most importantly, to the place where it began~

2 10

What NFTs are looking promising these days friends? AND while I have your attention, check out 💜💜

2 16