As a multi skilled profession, some of us clinical facing & front lines, supporting clinical staff. Others, making images and media to support the messages this virus brings. My colleagues wife drew this ❤.

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It's tough times yes, but try and make the most of a special day. If your working on the front line today, you are the ones we applaud and its because of you we can look forward with hope

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In these scary times...
All the best Super heroes wear a mask 😷

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Si vous ne connaissez pas le travail de Grégoire Guillemin : Je suis fier d’être associé à Benoit Lapray et Grégoire pour soutenir les soignants. Des précisions incessamment

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Thank you to Joanne Walker, Senior Sister Intensive Care Unit at the Calderdale Royal Hospital for the pictures and words for this portrait and thank you to your team and all the medical staff who are helping us through this!

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Once again, raise hands of approval to the who are risking their lives everyday to help fight the pandemic

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Cuando el insomnio y la depresión me dan en una sola noche y me pongo a dibujar cosas tiernas 🙃

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Women’s Endowment Fund's "Who is Your SHEro" campaign supports Akron Community Foundation COVID-19 Community Response Fund --

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For technicians, installers, engineers, contact centre
agents, IT specialist and all those people which make possible that we can read this message.
You are anonymous heroes.

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I made this image about 2 years ago picking the blue just as a colour I liked... - I offer it today as my tribute to all the out there

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We have and more being shared to this week See our Studio Wall here and please get your blue paints out this weekend and join us in showing our appreciation of our

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Excellent effort Hitchin! 👏
The clapping was so loud!

These Are The Hands
by & Tony Ross


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