Hi twitter! Its been a while since I shared anything so have a spiritomb drawing!

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Wishing all our young students in Year 7 a warm welcome

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A spiritomb made of 400 dead doggos that were murdered by other doggos for having different beliefs

They just wanted to support giratina

0 4

Take your seats for a performing arts finale to a fantastic year Tickets available from reception

2 4

サークル「Spiritoso」は、コミックマーケット92で「金曜日 東地区 "F" 14a」に配置されました!コミケWebカタログにてスペース配置場所公開中です! https://t.co/Ox5V5yV7Fu


37 43

Il è nella sua forma più alta e non ci si può trovare in sua presenza senza che ciò sollevi lo spirito. (Mark

1 3

In shaved his head 2 reveal 5 scars & the start of takeover. Some mourned his 1st 😩

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Just 4 days to go to our show. Some inspiring work from talented young artists

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角っこなったの初めてかもしれない・・・(,, ゚Д゚)

20 15

"Vorrei poter mettere lo spirito del Natale all’interno di un barattolo e poterlo tirare fuori mese per mese, poco alla volta"#beingperpetua

8 25

Day 11!
Favorite ghost type is this angry rock! Spiritomb is super cool and under appreciated u_u

5 13

Just one day until our fantastic Christmas Fayre! See you at 5pm Gifts galore, Santa's Grotto and much more!

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La Disputa del Sacramento: teologia a colori.L'oro della verticale centrale sottolinea la continuità tra Padre,Figlio,Spirito Santo e ostia.

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