So i made a new oc,,,, like for the 10000th time

her name is Clair yeah thats how far i got the pastel dots arent part of her design just assthethic

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Jake usually sings when he is alone, he does not like other people (and even his brother) to hear him sing
Data: They don't use the brush to comb their hair, it just happens to "soften" their baldness xd

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He's the second boss of a mafia and I love him. He just swears a lot and loves impropriet things XD I've never done a character like this so it'll be fun. (Under his eyes he has a pink line. It's natural and he has this since birth.)

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Next 3 characters are from my third universum where are three mafias and there will be some scientists and other people as well. It's not done yet so I can change a lot of things still. Zhair is a boss of the first mafia.

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I have a creepy stickman 👁👁
This weirdo lives with another stickman in the orchestra pit of the old theater. His name is "Hey you" or " come here" :)

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"Life can be excellent and cruel at the same time, I prefer to remember the best moments and experiences, let myself be carried away by new opportunities, after all it is like chocolate, irresistible, and once you try, you want to do it again." - Latham

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Someone who does not understand why he doesn't drown, he doesn't know what to do in a blood source, or in the middle of the sea while a storm breaks out on the water endangered by his friends.

- Erickson

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두번째로 분양 받은 자캐!

오너캐 이지스가 사는 마법의 숲의 파수꾼! '알탄(Altan)' 입니다!!!
드래곤 수인 입니다!!

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Daughter (OC)
ps right picture

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💫 Little ears 💫 1/2(?)

they are practically nothing, the boy treats him like a pet, and the other is pampered by him for the things he does to her

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The last arts I made. Level up with the last one

- Eloy and Joel, the shy experiments (June 17º)
- Veronica, the nurse (June 18º)
- Abril, the beauty and dangerous demon (June 18º)
- Mako, idk (June 19º)

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