So this is my third au this one is called reverse au where jack is alive mc is the dead 80s ghost. While Ian is the goth friend and Shaun is the regretful ex. Tell me what you think. I might to the other two not sure when though.

1 8

Dress Up
Wanted to draw my character in their style of clothings. May have gone a bit overboard. I hope this becomes a challenge of sorts.
This also took 2 days to do so I hope it’s decent

6 35

Just a vampire in luv taking away the holy maiden🙈 yes this scenario is still stuck in my head😂

6 37

Forgive me for spamming the clown.
Here is an experimental colored sketch of that gentleman

18 79

A lot of tries and worrys of getting caught in the stairwell later I hand this over!

This is best I could get before I had to run off!💛

18 84

Oh how the tables have turned, now the pining is on the other side. (part two to my other post hehe >:3)

53 1101

Oh the pining Shaun must have been through in college, did it ache too much?

71 1492

Vampire Shaun and Holy Maiden Annabelle scenario popped in my head and I had to draw it😂


10 52

Background sucks! But this was quick so to explain this au. Mc(main character) or Kaykay life had always been coincidental every time something bad happen to her ie her life being in danger she was always saved. blood and without blood!

1 7

Guardian angel jack! Colored! So I decided to keep him in a suit would post more about this au soon. Also not the best drawing but I am happy with it.

3 9

Knock knock! Looks what's going on! XD jk, It's nothing much. I just decided to make a costume for cosplay as Ian and Shaun too hehe

24 192

Lo intente! 😅
My own reference of what's wrong with Sunny Day Jack 😋 of
I hope it looks okay qwq

5 17