technoblade never dies!!

0 3

stay strong mr. blade !!
it's all gonna be okay

23 465

A lil drawing for the blade :,)
Get better soon big man
We love you 💖

1 48

It’s gonna be all okay, cause techno never dies 💪

0 16

I hope he have a quick recovery :(

1 6

One of the reasons why I became a fan was Techno’s grit and brilliance. No matter what happened, he always gave his 100 percent. Techno is a very strong willed man and I have no doubts that he will beat this. That’s why we must have faith in him and be positive!

36 312

Hope he get well soon The blade
Keep rest we will wait for you to come back.
Even if it take so long time, I'll wait for you to recovering 😔

63 330

One year ago I just knew you
would love to see you more in the future

You surely will beat that cancer T-man o7

3 11

Everything will be alright :)
Get well soon Technoblade!

24 471

It'll be okay i believe

2863 28198

just heard that has cancer. fight a cancer and be safe, techno!

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